Kayak Building


For discussion surround the building kayaks and similar small boats

John Messinger RIP

Submitted byadmin onMon, 10/15/2018 - 17:36

Some of you may remember John Messinger he was a prolific poster on the KayakForum.

Sadly he passed away during a kayak race yesterday. Another friend of mine was in the race reported that "He capsized with a mile to go and was face down in the water when we got to him less than a minute later.  Despite efforts of competitors, safety boat, EMT personnel, Life Star, etc. he was pronounced dead at Hartford Hospital. "

From Facebook:

Public Service Announcement - Bow lines

Submitted byfrankp onFri, 10/05/2018 - 15:09

I finished re-decking my S&G with a strip deck, new skeg and some other mods.  At the same time I re-skinned one of my SOFs.  Today I loaded them both up for rechristening.  Unfortunately, tragedy struck.  I have a bow line that I've had on my car wrapped up in the grill, all summer.  It decided to snap at ~60 mph today and my boats ripped the roof rack off my car.  Nothing I can't fix with respect to the boats, and luckily no one was following too closely so the only damage is to my roof rack and my boats.  

S&G Petrel - Fillets and Sanding Them

Submitted bykoineboy onWed, 10/03/2018 - 11:38



I'm building the Petrel S&G kit, and I glassed the hull successfully but not without several "Oh no!" moments.

I wasn't fast enough to lay fillets down the length of the boat and get the cloth in place and wetted out before the fillets kicked. I'm slow.

I want to put in the fillets one day and glass another. If I lightly sand the fillets, can I do this?





Thread for SOF

Submitted byfrankp onSun, 09/30/2018 - 23:15

I built a SOF kayak a while back that I skinned with a PVC skin.  Turns out that the way the skin fit the frame didn't allow me to get a good seal on all the seams and it took on a lot of water.  I was bilging every 15 minutes.  So, I've decided to reskin it with a nylon/polyester (not sure which) skin.  The skin is already treated and is incredibly light, I would say 6 or 7 ounces at most.  

Carlson Hull Design Software

Submitted bygtevault onThu, 09/27/2018 - 10:28

I've been trying to make sense of Hulls 1.91 but have totally failed. I can't find a manual so I'm using the "Alternative Tutorial" which mentions an offset table but I can't bring it up; I get an explanation of the X, Y, and Z coordinates instead. I would also like to print cross sections but can't find a way to print. Does Hulls zoom in and out? Pan?
These are only a few of my questions! Can someone help me out here?

Building a woodstrip canoe. What would be the best way to cut, mill and dry the wood?

Submitted byharrykane140693 onThu, 09/27/2018 - 05:06

I'm starting my first serious attempt at building a woodstrip canoe after playing around with SOF constructions before.

The thing is I can only work on the boat for about three weeks per year. I'm building the boat in Northern Finland but I live elsewhere in Europe. Therefore i want to be efficient with my time.

Where is the Wood Source List we had on the past BB format?

Submitted byRob Macks Laug… onSat, 09/15/2018 - 16:16


Would you post the list of local wood sources folks so kindly submitted so builders around the country and around the world can have that resource?

All the best,

Rob Macks

Laughing Loon Custom Canoes & Kayaks




“Expect problems and eat them for breakfast.” - Alfred A. Montapert