Kayak Building


For discussion surround the building kayaks and similar small boats

Strip Sander II

Submitted byPaul Montgomery onFri, 03/23/2018 - 21:30

OK looks nice. I guess if I really get to post a new message here, I'll tell ya'all about my new jig I made for my belt sander. It is for sanding strips and although the many strips necessary to make a kayak might be a bit much, it can sand wood down to veneer thickness - and who wouldn't want that!

This is the second one I've made. The first one used my big Makita belt sander. This one uses a small, cheap Ryobi. The first one was built around my Makita and can only be used with that sander. This one can be used with any sander.

This new forum is different

Submitted byNick Schade - … onFri, 03/23/2018 - 21:19

Out with the Old

The KayakForum used essentially the same system to run for just over 21 years. I like the way free-flowing conversations could evolve in the old system. A thread could start with a focus on one subject and then as the conversation flowed, end up at a very different point. Because the subject lines could be changed as the conversation moved, the thread could easily branch and readers could still keep track of it all.

Welcome to the new Kayak Forum

Submitted byadmin onFri, 03/23/2018 - 11:14

Welcome to the new Kayak Forum.

Somewhere around March 20, 2018 my service provider upgraded the operating system for the server containing the KayakForum. As a result, something broke. It didn't completely disable the forum, but it made it functionally unusable. 

After a bit of back and forth, it was determined that there was nothing they could do to make it work. Unfortunately, the script I used to run the forum was fairly old, and the developer who maintained it had gone off to other adventures and the script was no longer supported.