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Pattern Games
By:mike allen
Date: 1/9/2001, 4:54 pm
In Response To: Continuous Matching Grain Stitchers (mike allen)

: Hi Grant

: you're already there, you make your own ply!

: So 2 big questions
: 1/Can you get book matching or 2 continuous turns of veneer 18 feet long by
: 30 in wide?
: Or2/the real big one - Do you get 4 turns or matches of veneer 9 or 10 ft
: long by the same 30in plus or minus???

: I would suggest that you sell the wife, kids and house to get it as it'll be
: worth it. If you make and sell kayaks, you automatically will get 1 or 2
: thousand more for such unparalleled matching. Even if each veneer costs
: you $250, it'll be worth it. Like simply no one else is doing it. You
: really have a possibility of having instrument quality kayaks.

: One of the huge problems I have with stitch kayaks, is just that they have to
: use a mostly characterless and variation free wood in order to look at all
: uniform. The result is a featureless field. If you unfortunately get
: different colored woods, the wierd joins in the middle of the yak get
: pronounced and the yak becomes mottled and patchy. And that's one reason
: why so many pple want to do a different deck in order to at least bring
: some interest and continuation to bear on this mottled or plain base.

: So I'll assume that you can get the 4 veneers 30 in wide, because it's worth
: much much effort to obtain. If you can make one sheet of quadruple matched
: ply at 5' x 20', you're laughing. Otherwise make 2 at 5' by 10 and either
: butt joint the middle or scarf by starting by cutting off 3cm on the male
: side so that the scarfs get perfect grain matching(like a 1/10 scarf in
: 3mm ply gets 3cm offset). The cool thing is that it doesnt' matter how
: much you cut off as loing as its/ the same on bothe joins, the grain runs
: right thru the 20 feet (or less w/ whatever you cut off)

: So now you have the possibility of making unparalleled magical kayaks that
: meet and join from end to end across the deck and across the hull as well
: !! The whole kayak can sing as one or as how you plan or design it! Many
: many possibilites. Wildly varying grains and colors will make more
: striking and obviously unified yaks!!

: But the other possibility is for the rest of the stitch industry. Like you're
: the man! You now know what to do and have the skills to do it. Think if
: you could supply the quadruple sheets to the rest of us. Now that I know
: the possibilities, I would pay big time to get such possibilities and I
: bet others would too. I think the other major companies just buy racks of
: ply and cut out the patterns. Since you have the basics and just making
: sheets is probably not too difficult, you could train a couple of juniors
: to make sheets for a specialty business on the side , and continue making
: yaks for your pleasure. Or get a licence and be a specialty maker and
: supplier for all the other stitch yaks around.

: And say you could buy quadruples at less than 30 in. You could still supply
: ply or patterns making continuous strips. but not all around the yak.
: Maybe two sets, one for the hull and one for the deck making a less
: expensive package. And if way way way less that 30 in, you could make
: single pairs of continous strips at a still lesser price and the
: continuous grain result continues to be superior to what is out there now.

: Grant, I've read you posts in the past and you have always given out ideas
: and discoveries to us all - plans, methods, fittings etc.

: So sometimes payback does come around . . . . .

: big time.

: -mick

So say you've got this matching patterned yak and deck and unfortunately the grain is not that wild. You still have the wonderful completeness of the grain matching, so use it as a field background, or matrix for other moves.

Like take the simple case of a deck with seam down the peak and across the middle - 4pcs bookmatched all around, but you haven't been able to pay grant the big bucks so the pattern is a little uniform and you want more crack.

so cut out 4 (or more!!! say you did 8 or 16!!!!)long triangular shapes ,throw away the pcs and fill in with strips.((Hahaha, build a stripper and use these patterns to cut out strips and inset the ply pcs - ying and yang - both matching in the same locations!!))). And say the strips were like little decorations. It would be like framed features all over the yak but the frame is contiguous.

Or say the yak was pointing north and you cut out the same 4 long triangulr pcs. 2 on ea side of the front deck and 2 behind the cockpit. And then you dropped ea one the ply thickness and moved it 1 to 1 1/2 inches to the south east and glued it there. Like its lapped under. And in the spaces left on the north and west, strip in some very very dark strips. It'd be like heavy shadow lines on your yak with and exagerated depth or twisted effect! Or you could do the same thing but keep it all flush so the hatches could go anywhere.

The more I think about it, there are some pretty amazing possibilities here. All of a sudden, stitch yaks beauty may be able to rival or surpass strippers.


Messages In This Thread

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Re: luan plywood
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Re: luan plywood *Pic*
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Re: luan plywood
daniel -- 1/9/2001, 4:44 pm
Re: luan plywood
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Re: Sea Kayaker's Greenland S&G
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Re: Sea Kayaker's Greenland S&G
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Re: Another Luan Project
Jerry Hayes -- 1/6/2001, 3:18 pm
Re: luan plywood
Ken Finger -- 1/6/2001, 10:08 am
Re: luan plywood - Ugly?!?? *Pic*
Grant Goltz -- 1/7/2001, 1:00 am
Matching grain Patterns
mike allen -- 1/8/2001, 2:04 pm
Re: Matching grain Patterns *Pic*
Mike Hanks -- 1/8/2001, 10:08 pm
Re: Matching grain Patterns
Grant Goltz -- 1/8/2001, 8:09 pm
Continuous Matching Grain Stitchers
mike allen -- 1/9/2001, 2:25 pm
Re: How we match our decks
Grant Goltz -- 1/9/2001, 7:33 pm
Another possibility for one-offs?
Brian Nystrom -- 1/10/2001, 11:04 am
Re: Another possibility for one-offs?
Grant Goltz -- 1/10/2001, 5:03 pm
Re: example *Pic*
Grant Goltz -- 1/9/2001, 11:30 pm
matching patter
mike allen -- 1/10/2001, 9:27 pm
Re: matching patterns, etc - I ramble on
Grant Goltz -- 1/10/2001, 10:52 pm
Re: matching patterns
mike allen -- 1/11/2001, 10:07 pm
Re: Hey Mick, lets cook on these ideas a bit
Grant Goltz -- 1/11/2001, 11:21 pm
Re: Hey Mick, lets cook on these ideas a bit
mike allen -- 1/12/2001, 12:10 pm
Pattern Games
mike allen -- 1/9/2001, 4:54 pm
Re: Matching grain Patterns
mike allen -- 1/8/2001, 2:38 pm
Re: Matching grain Patterns *NM*
mike allen -- 1/8/2001, 2:27 pm
Re: luan plywood - Ugly?!??
Ken Finger -- 1/7/2001, 8:57 am
Re: Meranti price, etc.
Grant Goltz -- 1/7/2001, 3:33 pm
Re: luan plywood
Erez -- 1/6/2001, 9:29 am
Re: luan plywood *Pic*
Don B. -- 1/6/2001, 8:57 am
Re: Look at that Bumper!
George Cushing -- 1/8/2001, 1:20 pm
Re: Look at that Bumper!
Don B. -- 1/8/2001, 1:47 pm
Re: luan plywood
Paul Lund -- 1/6/2001, 6:48 am
Re: luan plywood *Pic*
Mike Hanks -- 1/6/2001, 2:46 am