Boat Building Forum

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Re: spray skirt for john munfoe
By:Gini L.
Date: 2/15/2001, 10:24 am
In Response To: Re: spray skirt for john munfoe (John Monfoe)

John, you may have found a perfect sprayskirt for your needs. But in case you are still looking, you might want to ask about one (whetstone is one of Nick's links on this website). They don't have anything in stock that fits, but for a few bucks more than their regular prices, they will make you a custom skirt. I bought a couple of their entry level coated nylon skirts, which are only about $40 (and which I got for even less, because they were running a 10% discount at the time) for my Pygmys. I consider them much better skirts than most coated nylon entry level ones I have seen, with excellent construction, top-quality materials, and some features you don't usually get (like griploc fabric around the rim, for extra hold as you attach it). They charge something like $10 or $15 more for a custom skirt, which includes customizing the tunnel (the opening) relative to the actual placement of your seat in the cockpit. Depending on what else you have found, you might get a particularly well-fitting spray skirt through Whetstone for the same or at least similar money.

: Thanks Paul for setting this up better in my mind. I was just looking at a
: site that has an entry level spray skirt that will fit my large cockpit. I
: am really thinking of going that way now. I have a packframe that I think
: will slip behind the seat into the back decked section when completely
: packed and ready to go. I think my kayak will be high and wide enough to
: do this and I will post pictures if it works out. I am starting to think
: how to build a carrying yoke for this kayak on down the road. If I wore a
: poncho bungied to the deck, it would give kayaking a bad name and look
: like H.

: John

Messages In This Thread

spray skirt for john munfoe
brett (the hitman hart)onnink -- 2/12/2001, 7:13 pm
Re: spray skirt for john munfoe
Geo. Cushing -- 2/12/2001, 11:25 pm
Re: spray skirt for john munfoe
John Monfoe -- 2/13/2001, 7:28 am
Re: Tuvilik? *Pic*
Geo. Cushing -- 2/17/2001, 8:08 am
Re: spray skirt for john munfoe
Paul G. Jacobson -- 2/14/2001, 3:30 am
Re: spray skirt for john munfoe
John Monfoe -- 2/14/2001, 4:37 am
Re: spray skirt for john munfoe
Gini L. -- 2/15/2001, 10:24 am
Thanks, Paul-Greg-Gini
John Monfoe -- 2/16/2001, 3:51 am
Re: spray skirt for john munfoe
Ken Sutherland -- 2/14/2001, 1:24 pm
Re: spray skirt for john munfoe
John Monfoe -- 2/15/2001, 12:49 am
Re: spray skirt for john munfoe
Ken Sutherland -- 2/17/2001, 1:09 am
kayak yoke
Paul G. Jacobson -- 2/15/2001, 3:39 am
Re: kayak yoke
Greg Root -- 2/15/2001, 2:45 pm