Boat Building Forum

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Seeing the Light
By:Dave Seales
Date: 6/16/2001, 1:59 pm

I was working inside my hull with a drop light and when I stepped back I saw light coming through the deck. There were slivers of light in between some of the strips and one place at the stern there was a glow where obviously I came close to sanding through the hull. I moved the light around inside almost like doing a hull was neat. The problem is I found there was light shining through most of the shear line where the deck and hull are joined. Without the light inside the hull it looks fine. Is it strong enough if there is not tight wood to wood contact? I have these images of coming down off a wave and the deck and hull separating then fluttering to the bottom.

Messages In This Thread

Seeing the Light
Dave Seales -- 6/16/2001, 1:59 pm
Re: Seeing the Light
LeeG -- 6/16/2001, 4:27 pm
Re: Seeing the Light
Ben Staley -- 6/16/2001, 5:54 pm