Boat Building Forum

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Re: Amen brother!
By:Mike and Rikki
Date: 11/2/2003, 10:41 pm
In Response To: Re: Amen brother! (Jack Sanderson)

Hey ya Jack
First of all, I apologize for the long delay in replying to you, please forgive me. I should have insured that all E-mails were answered and didn't see yours until tonight. No excuse, but the way over 40 and all too intimately pushing 50 issue. Tell you what, lets take this off the KBBB and e-mail direct. Its kbbbDOTmailATcoxDOTnet (substitute the dot for a "." and the AT for a "@")

To start with, download and install Spyware Blaster, Spybot S& D, install a firewall (try Zone Alarm), and then we'll talk about the settings of your E-mail and internet browser. The programs above are all free which makes it all the more sweeter.

More later, amigo!

: Mike,

: I seem to have tamed the e-mail spam but the Internet Explorer pop ups are
: driving me crazy. I have tried several pop-up stopper utilities and they
: still seem to get through. Worse yet is the pop-up stopper and the pop-ups
: seem to get in a death match and feeze up my system.

: I figure if anyone wouldn't put up with pop ups it would be Mike. Any
: suggestions

: Jack

Messages In This Thread

S&G: Building a SG Night Heron (day 10)
Mike and Rikki -- 10/30/2003, 2:58 am
You have to post pics, too, Mike, wheres the digi? *NM*
Robert N Pruden -- 10/30/2003, 11:13 am
Re: You have to post pics, too, Mike, wheres the d
Mike and Rikki -- 10/30/2003, 12:08 pm
You ain't nevah lyin' Mike
Thomas -- 10/30/2003, 1:54 pm
Amen brother!
Mike and Rikki -- 10/31/2003, 4:39 am
Re: Amen brother!
Jack Sanderson -- 11/1/2003, 8:16 pm
Robert N Pruden -- 11/3/2003, 4:44 am
Actually, it's only good for
Rob P. -- 11/3/2003, 12:46 pm
Talk about bad mojo
Rob P. -- 11/5/2003, 3:49 am
Oops! Spybot only good for pop-ups *NM*
Robert N Pruden -- 11/3/2003, 4:45 am
Re: Amen brother!
Mike and Rikki -- 11/2/2003, 10:41 pm
But How Do You Really Feel, Mike? :) *NM*
Paul Jacob -- 10/30/2003, 12:19 pm