Kayak Building


For discussion surround the building kayaks and similar small boats

Wood selection for the hull

Submitted byScott Maschino onMon, 07/23/2018 - 22:39

I haven't built anything yet, but have been kicking the idea around for several years now. I've done a lot of looking, reading, watching and such. I understand that the "traditional" hull wood is red cedar. I tend to not follow tradition.  I have the opportunity to fell and mill some black walnut and should be able to get some long, straight 8/4 planks. Reading the bark, I have strong hopes that they should yield some long clear grain sections that could be used in a kayak. As well as a few sections that will likely have some curl.

Sea Rover LC - too small for me?

Submitted byLowcountry onMon, 07/23/2018 - 16:24

Hi folks -

I'm building my first SOF and need some help with design selection.  I do have some (plastic) sea and whitewater kayak experience and a solid roll.  I currently mainly paddleboard on a generic 11 footer and usually go out and paddleboard 4-4.5mph for up to an hour.  Home waters are tidal rivers and inlets in the southeast, so currents and winds are a factor but no plans for big waves or beach surfing.  I want a beautiful fast sportscar of a kayak for fitness/touring paddling, generally 6-10 mile jaunts.  No plans to camp/overnight.

Gaps between strips

Submitted byaaronpotter onSun, 07/22/2018 - 18:09

I did the end pour in the bow of my Guillemot this afternoon.  It’s a sunny day and I noticed a lot of light inside the boat. Attached is a picture looking down into the bow from the fore hatch. Is this something to be concerned about?  I knew all along I had some gaps between strips, but this surprised me.   I have 4 oz cloth on the outside and 6 oz on the inside  Bow end pour

Off-Topic: Rudder Design

Submitted bybt50 onSat, 07/21/2018 - 02:37

I broke my under-rudder on my surfski. I made a quick and dirty replacement and thought it was kind of fun to play with the different shapes. I've tried a couple of drastically different shapes and haven't noticed much/any difference (both had a 5/8" (the shaft diameter) + 2 layers of 6oz fg and epoxy thick leading edge). I'm kind of curious if for the next rudder if I have a more streamlined leading edge (moving the shaft to the middle of the rudder) if that would add less drag.


Submitted byMatthew onTue, 07/17/2018 - 14:56

I have volunteered to help a friend that is doing an open water swim race. Each swimmer needs a paddler (where I come in) and each paddler is required to affix a dowel to their boat with the swimmers number on it. So. The question, as I'm sure you have all figured out by now, is; short of drilling a hole through the deck, any ideas how can I attach this pennant to my boat (and still use my spray skirt)?


Rookie mistake, applied minwax to coaming - help!

Submitted bychipverrill onMon, 07/09/2018 - 10:30

I am desperate... I applied minwax stain to interior coaming risers and upper coaming lip on my Petrel Play Strip build.
Third strip build, but first use of stain...

Sadly, (or not) I discovered my error before applying the glass.

Can anybody offer a best recovery step here?

Thanks in advance~
Chip Verrill (Colorado)