Kayak Building


For discussion surround the building kayaks and similar small boats

sheer strips & fiberglass tape?

Submitted byfrankp onWed, 05/30/2018 - 23:12

So I put the new stripped deck on my Northbay this week.  I used thickened epoxy but couldn't do tape at the same time and I have now glassed the deck outside with about a 2 inch overlap of the rail.  I narrowed the sheer strips from the original stitch and glue build down to about a 1/4 inch and was intending to tape the inside seam.  At this point, I'd like to put her in the water for a couple test runs before finalizing everything.  

Thoughts on whether or not my mods to the sheer seam will present any issues if I don't put the inside tape on first?


Start to finish simplified steps in building a strip-built?

Submitted byhohensee onSun, 05/27/2018 - 18:39

With immediate apologies - I'm sure this has been addressed perhaps multiple times before.

But can anyone point me to a simplified list of step-by-step instructions in building a strip-built kayak?  For example, I just completed stripping the hull of my Petrel.  And was trying to remember - do I pull the staples, sand and glass the hull, before stripping the deck?

Thanks in advance!

Next steps

Submitted byfrankp onSat, 05/19/2018 - 23:30

I searched the archives and couldn't find any old posts about this, so I'll give some background... Sometime around 2001/2002 I built a Chesapeake Light Craft Northbay.  I paddled it very happily for a few years but had a few changes I wanted to make.  Sometime around 2007 I ripped the deck off and started a strip deck and some other modifications.  Then we had a couple of kids and I put the kayak up in the garage for a whole bunch of years.