Boat Building Forum

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Re: CLC Stripped Deck
By:Shawn Baker
Date: 2/25/1999, 2:45 pm
In Response To: Re: CLC Stripped Deck (Pete Rudie)

I said:
>> & glass the inside. You probably wouldn't have to glass the entire
>> inside, especially if you leave the stripping deckbeams in and epoxy the
>> deck to them. I'd certainly glass the inside in front of and behind the
>> cockpit, where you put a lot of stress on the deck doing re-entries.

And Pete said in response:
> If you do not glass the entire underside of the deck, you should upgrade
> the strip glue to epoxy. The strip technique works with carpenter's glue
> only because it is later encapsulated with glass and epoxy on both sides,
> totally isolating the glue from moisture. If the carpenter's glue is
> exposed to water in any way, e.g. punched with a rock or not glassed at
> all, it will soften, relax and ultimately (and quickly) cause bond
> failure. Some people would be embarrassed in a case like this.

And now I must say OOPS! I forgot about that contingency. Even a thin layer of 2 oz. glass will be better than the possibility of gettting that glue wet. I doubt that a rock would punch through the deck, but you could accidentally drop something on it and cause a crack on the underside which could be exposed to water.

> I built a G17, and it only took 2-1/2 days to strip the hull (I'm not a
> woodworker by trade, and this was my first stripper). If you're going to
> strip the deck anyway...

:) So you're saying I should just throw away my S&G boat? I'd at least like to make it look like the stripper I will build!


Messages In This Thread

Rookie trying to choose the right kit.
Dan Gunn -- 2/25/1999, 12:02 am
Re: Rookie trying to choose the right kit.
BillThomas -- 2/26/1999, 8:50 pm
Re: Rookie trying to choose the right kit.
lee -- 2/26/1999, 11:41 am
Re: Rookie trying to choose the right kit.
Robert Woodard -- 2/25/1999, 6:09 pm
Re: Rookie trying to choose the right kit.
John Pane -- 2/25/1999, 5:23 pm
Re: Rookie trying to choose the right kit.
Dan Gunn -- 2/27/1999, 12:13 am
Re: Rookie trying to choose the right kit.
Stan Heeres -- 2/25/1999, 12:26 pm
Re: Rookie trying to choose the right kit.
Robert -- 2/26/1999, 3:59 pm
Re: Rookie trying to choose the right kit-CLC?
Shawn Baker -- 2/25/1999, 10:14 am
Re: Rookie trying to choose the right kit-CLC?
Dan Gunn -- 2/25/1999, 10:54 am
Re: fo-stripped deck
Nolan Penney -- 2/26/1999, 6:26 am
CLC Stripped Deck
Shawn Baker -- 2/25/1999, 1:34 pm
Re: CLC Stripped Deck
John Fereira -- 2/26/1999, 1:28 pm
Re: CLC Stripped Deck
Pete Rudie -- 2/25/1999, 2:33 pm
Re: CLC Stripped Deck
Shawn Baker -- 2/25/1999, 2:45 pm
Re: CLC Stripped Deck
Ron Eike -- 2/26/1999, 6:08 pm
Pete Rudie -- 2/25/1999, 3:02 pm
The RIGHT kit.
Mike Scarborough -- 2/25/1999, 7:53 am
Re: The RIGHT kit. & Rudders
Roger Donahe -- 2/25/1999, 10:17 am
Re: & Rudders
Don Beale -- 2/25/1999, 11:42 am
Trent Severn Waterway Trips
Dan Gunn -- 2/25/1999, 10:47 am
Re: Trent Severn Waterway Trips
Roger Donahe -- 2/25/1999, 1:37 pm