Re: Great Auk Pictures
By:Rick S.
Date: 3/4/1999, 3:23 pm
Date: 3/4/1999, 3:23 pm
In Response To: Great Auk Pictures (Joe)
> I am looking for some decent pictures of Nick's Great Auk. I am assembling
> the ingredients for the boat now but don't have a very good idea of what
> the finished product should look like. The only pic I have seen is the one
> on Nick's site and it appears to be an early version. I have drawn out the
> forms using the offsets in Nick's book.
I hope this works :0). This is from a previous roll of film. I have glassed the deck and hull and attached the two. Working on foot braces, hatches, seat etc.

Messages In This Thread
- Great Auk Pictures
Joe -- 3/3/1999, 9:21 pm- Re: Great Auk Pictures
Rick S. -- 3/4/1999, 3:23 pm- Re: Nice Boat!
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 3/5/1999, 9:56 am- Re: Great Auk Pictures
Joe -- 3/5/1999, 12:38 am- Re: Great Auk Pictures
Bob Marr -- 3/4/1999, 3:45 pm- Re: Great Auk Pictures
Rick S. -- 3/5/1999, 2:02 am
- Re: Great Auk Pictures
- Re: Nice Boat!
- Re: Great Auk Pictures