Date: 8/25/1999, 10:31 pm
As a newcomer to the concept of building my own kayak and a newcomer to internet chat rooms or bulletin boards, I can't agree with you more. The response to my questions regarding which boat for a smaller paddler or the merits of the scarf/butt debate have been very helpful. Plus reading the questions and responses to subjects that I have never considered has been most enlightening.
For now, however, I am letting my housemate build the first boat (a Pygmy Arctic Tern, which should be arriving any day now) and I know we will be visiting you "kayak guys" often. Hope to learn alot from all of you and perhaps build my boat next year. In the meanwhile I am happily paddling a sweet little Impex fiberglass boat and just loving being out there. Happy paddling to you all!
Linda P.S. To keep things tidy, is there an easy way to delete tthe message you are responding to before posting a response?
> Paul G. Jacobson � Man, if you want detail on any subject this guy
> produces volumes. I don�t know where he gets the time to document the 4
> different ways to do anything with 37 step instruction on each.
> Mike Allen � A great lateral thinker who should be patenting the ideas on
> the doodles that he posts.
> George Roberts � The town curmudgeon and resident engineering legend �
> never fails to keep things lively and is the only guy who regularly
> generates 30-40 responses to his posts on testing, resale value, side by
> side test crash challenges. I hope he never stops posting. It�s just too
> fun to watch the food fights that ensue every time he gets into an
> argument.
> Sean Baker � The landlocked kayaker from Montana � answers a lot of
> questions
> Don Beale and Mike Scarborough � Not sure what to say but these guys sure
> answer a lot of questions and throw out a lot of ideas
> Mike Hanks � resident skin on frame expert
> Mark Kanzler � Used to post 10 a day and could find anything on the net �
> Now like Dr. Livingston is lost in deepest darkest rural America with no
> Internet access.
> The Great Debates - Many a post has been has been devoted to these
> subjects
> - CLC vs Pygmy � Like the Catholics and Protestants this argument will be
> going on for centuries
> - Testing or my boats stronger/lighter than yours � George vs the world
> - Resale Value � George vs the world
> - Staples vs No Staples
> - To seal coat epoxy or not
> - Epoxy vs Tight bond glue between the strips
> - Flush Hatches � there are 50 ways to leave your lover but 100 ways to do
> hatches
> - What boat should I build posts....well it depends but.....
> And other discussions too numerous to mention
> I can truly say that I have learned more from following this discussion
> than I ever could from 10 years of trial and error. And to all the others
> who documented their experiences thanks.
> Jack Sanderson
Messages In This Thread
- Guillemot BBS - a brief history
Jack Sanderson -- 8/25/1999, 7:05 pm- Hey--how 'bout a KBbbs Who's Who album
Shawn Baker -- 8/27/1999, 12:03 pm- Re: Hey--how 'bout a KBbbs Who's Who album
Don Beale -- 8/27/1999, 4:02 pm
- Re: Hey--how 'bout a KBbbs Who's Who album
- Re: Guillemot BBS - a brief history
lee -- 8/26/1999, 8:20 pm - Re: Guillemot BBS - a brief history
Dave Rhoads -- 8/26/1999, 4:14 pm - Re: Guillemot BBS - a brief history
Brian T. Cunningham -- 8/26/1999, 1:35 pm- Re: Sail vs Paddle debate
Don Beale -- 8/26/1999, 6:38 pm- Re: Sail vs Paddle debate
Brian T. Cunningham -- 8/26/1999, 6:44 pm- Re: Brian is bringing the barbecue
Shawn Baker -- 8/27/1999, 11:22 am- Re: Brian is bringing the barbecue
Brian T. Cunningham -- 8/27/1999, 12:50 pm
- Re: Brian is bringing the barbecue
- Re: Brian is bringing the barbecue
- Re: Sail vs Paddle debate
- Re: Sail vs Paddle debate
- Re: Guillemot BBS - a thankyou
Earl -- 8/26/1999, 12:22 pm - Re: Guillemot BBS - a brief history
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 8/26/1999, 9:37 am- Re: Guillemot BBS - a brief history
Mike Scarborough -- 8/26/1999, 10:48 am
- Re: Guillemot BBS - a brief history
- Re: Guillemot BBS - a brief history
Don Beale -- 8/26/1999, 1:24 am - Re: Guillemot BBS - a brief history
Hank -- 8/25/1999, 10:34 pm - Re: Guillemot BBS - a brief history
Linda Shelburne -- 8/25/1999, 10:31 pm- Re: being tidy
Pete Roszyk -- 8/26/1999, 8:42 am
- Re: being tidy
- Re: Guillemot BBS - a brief history
Robert Woodard -- 8/25/1999, 8:29 pm - Re: Guillemot BBS - a brief history
Ross Leidy -- 8/25/1999, 7:49 pm
- Hey--how 'bout a KBbbs Who's Who album