Date: 10/25/1999, 4:38 pm
If Fiberglast does not have the book try John Sweet Co. ( He is also a great source of cloth and resin, has supplied lots of glass boaters for years and years.
This new idea sounds good too!
If your plastic stands up to the resin, I would not worry about mold release stuff. You might have to re-wrap after a layup though.
Layup: I would personally got with a 5 over 7 layup ( 5 layers on the deck, 7 on the hull) this is a pretty tough layup. It could be made lighter, but will be weaker... it all depends on your use. On my squirt with a 5/7 I do not hesitate to boof off rocks and the like. Oh I would not bother with epoxy on this boat use Vinylester resin it is much cheaper! John carries it and the boatbuilders manuel covers using and mixing it. Use as little resin as possible, it only adds weight and can actually weaken it a bit in excess. The cloth should IMO be a mix of glass and poly to provide bettter strength and flex be sure the last layer on the insides is a poly layer ( it does'nt itch). the boat book covers all this too though. One thing the book is a great source of info, but is kinda boring, there is not much entertainment, just good info. Keep the coffee handy....
> Fibreglast Development used to have "Boatbuilders Manual"
> I would test your resin on the plastic before commiting.
Messages In This Thread
- This has taken a 180 degree turn
David Blodgett -- 10/24/1999, 6:57 pm- One Off & Form Placement
mike allen -- 10/27/1999, 1:13 pm - Re: This has taken a 180 degree turn
Bill Gomes -- 10/25/1999, 6:37 pm - Re: Boatbuilders Manual
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 10/25/1999, 9:19 am- Re: Boatbuilders Manual
Bart Castleberry -- 10/25/1999, 4:38 pm
- Re: Boatbuilders Manual
- One Off & Form Placement