Date: 11/4/1999, 10:03 am
> I am building 2 Patuxent 17.5 (one for me and one for my wife). I am
> 6'5" I have long legs. The current design calls for a 30 inch.
> (length) cockpit opening. Having made a 'mockup' out of card board first,
> I determined I would make my cocket 3 inches longer...totaling 33 inches.
> My question is I crazy for wanting to be able to get in and out
> of this kayak WITHOUT sitting on the coaming doing a balancing act? I am
> seriously considering making my cockpit opening even longer (36
> inches)...just to make sure I can get my size 13 feet out...what do you
> think?
> Steve
In Response To: Cockpit Length (Steve Bailey)
I also rounded the underside of the deckbeam so that I don't scrape my shins getting in. (Did that as an afterthought--after scraping my shins a few times).
The other photo was the deckbeam before it was installed! Oops--wrong link; This one shows the radiused deckbeam:

Messages In This Thread
- Cockpit Length
Steve Bailey -- 11/1/1999, 9:33 pm- Re: Cockpit crazy
lee -- 11/4/1999, 11:24 am- Re: Cockpit Length (the right photo)
Shawn Baker -- 11/4/1999, 10:03 am- Re: Cockpit Length
Paul G. Jacobson -- 11/2/1999, 12:14 am- Re: Cockpit Length
erez -- 11/1/1999, 11:19 pm- Re: Cockpit Length
Shawn Baker -- 11/1/1999, 10:16 pm- Re: Cockpit Length
Dale Frolander -- 11/1/1999, 9:52 pm - Re: Cockpit Length (the right photo)
- Re: Cockpit crazy