A couple things: try retracting the blade of the plane. Pull it all the way in until it does nothing, then a quarter turn at a time, push it back out. At first it won't do much, but tweek it out until it does enough.
Second, do not hold the plane absolutely parallel to the direction you are pushing it. Hold your plane at an angle to your direction of motion. This lets the plane slice into the wood more gradulally.
If these two things don't work, try sharpening again. If, when you hold the blade edge-up under a bright light, you can see a reflection off the edge, you need to sharpen more.
> first...i did go with the guillemot recess/cockpit on my great auk...it's
> looking pretty good.
> i took out the staples in the hull and tried to plane it, but the plane
> keeps stuttering. i sharpened the blade and adjusted the gap in front of
> it, but still i am mutilating the hull. Suggestions?

Messages In This Thread
- stuttering
Jessica Johnsen -- 1/14/2000, 3:26 pm- The "scary edge" sharpening method
Marcelo -- 1/17/2000, 8:13 am- Re: The "scary edge" sharpening method w/LINK!!
Ed Valley -- 1/17/2000, 11:27 am
- Re: stuttering
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 1/16/2000, 10:39 am- Re: stuttering
Rehd -- 1/14/2000, 7:38 pm- Re: stuttering
Charles Cooper -- 1/15/2000, 11:51 am- Re: stuttering
Rehd -- 1/15/2000, 11:21 pm- Re: stuttering
Charles Cooper -- 1/17/2000, 12:36 pm
- Re: stuttering
Mike -- 1/15/2000, 6:22 pm- Re: stuttering
jessica johnsen -- 1/16/2000, 12:34 am- Re: stuttering
Shawn Baker -- 1/18/2000, 3:57 pm
- Re: stuttering
- Re: stuttering
- Re: stuttering
- S s s s s s s a n d P p p p p a p e r
Paul G. Jacobson -- 1/14/2000, 5:38 pm- Re: stuttering
garland reese -- 1/14/2000, 5:01 pm- addictive habit, er hobby $$
Jason -- 1/14/2000, 5:23 pm
- Re: stuttering
Dave E -- 1/14/2000, 3:49 pm- Re: stuttering
Ross Leidy -- 1/14/2000, 3:38 pm - Re: The "scary edge" sharpening method w/LINK!!
- The "scary edge" sharpening method