Date: 1/17/2000, 12:55 pm
Santa dropped off a new scanner under the tree this year, so here's a pic. Coho is nearly complete (needs a good finish), boy inside is not nearly complete, but his enthusiasm for the boat certainly is a good sign.
The boat's unofficial name is "Summer Memories", after Stuart Little's birchbark canoe. Being my favorite book as a child, that name was an easy choice. Little did I know, but discovered half way through building, that noted boatbuilder Joel White was E.B. White's son. Don't know if I'll letter on the name, as it is I have to put on the Ohio registration letters at some point.
At some point I'll post a pic. of a tissue-paper "decal" I made on my printer, and epoxied onto the stern deck right over the butt-joint seam. It's a spread-winged bald eagle, and does a nice job of covering up a 1/2" nasty looking whitish yellow spot where I did a bad job on one of those butt-joints.
Began assembly from the full kit in mid-April. This picture is from November 14, after finishing the hatch gaskets. Just needs a good wet sanding and several coats of varnish, in the spring.

Messages In This Thread
- Coho pic
Chris Bush -- 1/17/2000, 12:55 pm- Re: Coho pic
Mike -- 1/19/2000, 1:26 am- Re: Coho pic
Robert -- 1/17/2000, 7:20 pm - Re: Coho pic
- Re: Coho pic