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Re: Just a thought on painting...
By:Ian Johnston
Date: 1/17/2000, 9:50 pm
In Response To: Just a thought on painting... (Doug Bauer)

> you will find that the signmakers will almost always remove the tape while
> it is still wet to prevent a "hard edge" as opposed to the
> "rounded edge" created by paints natural flow characteristics.
> This rounded edge is prone far less to chipping at the edge when anything
> passes over it, thus a neater edge that lasts longer. Well, that's my
> story and I'm sticking to it. (Unless of course I'm missing something).

Hi Doug,

I'm in the autobody trade. We also pull the tape before the paint cures. We do let it sit for awhile as pulling when the paint is wet will cause it to string out. If you allow the paint to cure, anywhere that it "bridged" over the tape, will tend to peel back the paint edge.

To Rehd,

Use the "fineline" tape as mentioned by Doug. When you pull it off, pull the tape back on itself and at an angle away from the paint. This allows the tape to cut the edge of the paint.

This tape comes in widths from 1/16 to 3/4 inches. It makes doing patterns and designs very easy.

Hope this helps, Ian

Messages In This Thread

Just a thought on painting...
Doug Bauer -- 1/17/2000, 10:23 am
Re: Just a thought on painting...
Ian Johnston -- 1/17/2000, 9:50 pm
Re: Just a thought on painting...
Rehd -- 1/17/2000, 11:52 pm
Re: Just a thought on painting...
Rehd -- 1/17/2000, 2:02 pm
Re: Just a thought on painting...
Tony Ling -- 1/20/2000, 1:43 pm
Re: Just a thought on painting...
Doug Bauer -- 1/17/2000, 2:46 pm
Re: Just a thought on painting...
Rehd -- 1/17/2000, 3:57 pm
Re: Just a thought on painting...
Doug Bauer -- 1/17/2000, 4:40 pm