> Many years ago I built a small (12 or 13 foot)kayak with sawn plywood
> frames connected together with spruce stringers. The frame was skinned
> with canvas tacked on at the gunwales and treated with airplane dope and
> painted. This construction proved quite lightweight and durable. It has
> served several generations and is still in use today. It was also easy to
> build - no steambending etc. I am interested to know if anyone has plans
> for a larger sea kayak of this type or experience with this method.
This has been done with the S&G Guillemot. All you have to do is use the forms from just about any kayak that uses forms in the building process. Run the stringers between the forms. There are also plans specifically for this, but I'd have to look them up. If no one else points you to them, I will find them for you later.
Messages In This Thread
- plywood framed skin construction
Joel Goodman -- 1/17/2000, 7:42 pm- Re: plywood framed skin construction
Mike Hanks -- 1/18/2000, 1:09 am
- Re: plywood framed skin construction