Re: Cabinet Scrapers
In Response To: Cabinet Scrapers (Will Stark)
For years I used to use a fine stone and roll over an edge with a burnisher - the whole nine yards. Now I put it in the vise and give it a quick edge with a fine file. It seems to work just as well. I use it primarly for removing drips of epoxy. I hit it before the epoxy is rock hard. It will actually give you a flatter and smoother flat surface than any sanding block can achieve. A curved scraper will remove carpenter's glue better than any other tool on the inside hull. Most power tools will heat the glue and clog the sandpaper etc. You can also use a cheap painters scraper ground to a curved surface.
Messages In This Thread
- Cabinet Scrapers
Will Stark -- 1/19/2000, 11:08 am- Re: Cabinet Scrapers
Jay Babina -- 1/21/2000, 9:06 am- Re: Cabinet Scrapers
Bigbob -- 1/20/2000, 6:27 pm- Re: Cabinet Scrapers
Will Stark -- 1/19/2000, 12:48 pm- Re: Cabinet Scrapers
Ed Valley -- 1/20/2000, 2:58 pm
- Re: Cabinet Scrapers
Tony Ling -- 1/19/2000, 12:43 pm - Re: Cabinet Scrapers
- Re: Cabinet Scrapers