Date: 1/22/2000, 6:52 pm
It's great that we're here sharing the correct offsets for the West River 180. But take it easy on the "responsibility for our actions" thing. For the $4 cost of the magazine you got enough information to build a boat that goes for $50 in plan form. That's better than a 90% discount and I'm not counting the value of the other 70 pages in the magazine.
Part of being a boatbuilder is solving the problems that arise and taking responsibility for the outcome of the project. Mistakes in the offset tables are not uncommon in any set of plans. The offsets in The Strip Build Kayak contain mistakes. But the responsible builder can spot and correct these errors by using a little common sense.
The whole process of lofting is an error correction process. In the pre-computer days of boat design offsets were often scaled from small scale plans or even half models. This process is intrinsically inaccurate, not to mention the manual transcribing of tables of numbers, which lends itself to errors. Lofting and fairing of lines lets the builder spot and correct errors and prove that the different views of the boat give dimensions that will be buildable.
So there are ways to deal with offset table errors, not the least of which is this BBS, without taking a poke at the nice people at Sea Kayaker and CLC who gave you something of value for next to nothing.
Messages In This Thread
- Sea Kayaker`s plan for West River 180
Jean,Montreal, -- 1/22/2000, 9:52 am- Re: Sea Kayaker`s plan for West River 180
Doug Bauer -- 1/22/2000, 5:39 pm- Whiner ;-)
Mike Scarborough -- 1/22/2000, 6:52 pm- Re: Whiner ;-)
Jean,Montreal, -- 1/23/2000, 9:36 am- Re: Whiner ;-)
Doug Bauer -- 1/22/2000, 8:31 pm - Re: Whiner ;-)
- Re: Whiner ;-)
- Whiner ;-)
- Re: Sea Kayaker`s plan for West River 180