> I am a new builder. I am beginning the stitching of the keel panels. The
> problem I am experiencing is that the sharp edges of the panels make it
> difficult to maintain alignment near the bow and stern. The sharp edges
> keep popping over each other as I pinch the panels together. It seems like
> the edges should be beveled where they meet in these areas but there is
> nothing in the instructions regarding that. Any suggestions would be
> appreciated.
Pygmy said not to plane any of the panel edges except for the sheer. They are designed to fit together as they are cut. If you planed the hull panels then you would also need to plane off the exact same amount in width on the deck. If you do plane the edges then you might have quite a struggle getting the deck to fit properly. Just fiddle with it a little and it will eventually come together okay. Everytime I deviated from the Pygmy directions, I had problems. I recommend following them to the letter. If you doubt that something is correct, give them a call, they are very helpful.
Messages In This Thread
- Stitching the Opsry Keel
Wayne R. -- 1/25/2000, 5:49 am- I'll know better next time...
Wayne R. -- 1/27/2000, 9:13 am- Re: I'll know better next time...
Chris Bush -- 1/28/2000, 10:28 am
- Re: Do NOT Plane Them
Mike Hanks -- 1/25/2000, 9:51 pm- Re: Do NOT Plane Them
Wayne R. -- 1/26/2000, 12:52 pm- Re: Do NOT Plane Them
Mike Hanks -- 1/26/2000, 1:17 pm
- Re: Do NOT Plane Them
- Re: Stitching the Opsry Keel
TomF -- 1/25/2000, 7:43 pm- Re: Stitching the Opsry Keel
Larry C. -- 1/25/2000, 7:28 pm- Re: Stitching the Opsry Keel
Nolan -- 1/25/2000, 3:16 pm- Re: Stitching the Opsry Keel
Rehd -- 1/25/2000, 10:30 am- Re: Stitching the Opsry Keel
Greg Hicks -- 1/25/2000, 7:17 am- Re: Stitching the Osprey Keel
Wayne R. -- 1/25/2000, 10:01 am- Re: Stitching the Osprey Keel
Ken Finger -- 1/25/2000, 11:31 am
- Re: Stitching the Osprey Keel
- Re: I'll know better next time...
- I'll know better next time...