Date: 1/27/2000, 6:52 pm
> That blows a good hole through my analogy. Not that that's bad--I wasn't
> trying to change the world; just had some random thoughts that didn't jive
> with conventional wisdom.
Conventional wisdom shucks, the jive is up to you. :-)
> But in this case, more glass on the outside would be stronger, right?
For what? Abrasion and puncture resistance, certainly. Strength to resist impact flexing, that would be the inside now, for the glued strips aren't good at resisting tension.
> Both. It will see some sharp pointy rocks, plenty of wave action, and also
> abrasion from being dragged onto a beach. I think Bayliners are also in
> the same category Pascoe epitomized with his description of Glastrons.
> They're built with chop guns. Hand-laid hulls with long-fiber cloth are
> much stronger, pound for pound.
True, to a degree. However, gaining the hull strength of a Privateer, with 19 layers of roving, would make a kayak rather unpaddlable, and very difficult to place atop the car. Remember, some areas of the hull will see rocks and beach sand, and other areas will not. You don't need to build the deck to handle being dragged over the beach. Think about how and where you will paddle, and you can build accordingly.
Messages In This Thread
- Heresy
Shawn Baker -- 1/25/2000, 5:39 pm- Re: Heresy
Nolan -- 1/26/2000, 8:40 pm- Re: Heresy
Shawn Baker -- 1/26/2000, 10:55 pm- Re: Heresy
Nolan -- 1/27/2000, 6:52 pm- Re: Heresy
Shawn Baker -- 1/28/2000, 12:21 pm- Re: Heresy
Nolan -- 1/30/2000, 9:32 am- Re: Deck Reinforcement
Shawn Baker -- 1/30/2000, 11:00 am- Re: Deck Reinforcement
lee -- 1/30/2000, 11:42 pm- Re: Deck Reinforcement/talking to my se/elf
lee -- 2/1/2000, 12:10 am
- Re: Deck Reinforcement/talking to my se/elf
- Re: Deck Reinforcement
- Re: Deck Reinforcement
- Re: Heresy
- Re: Heresy
- Re: Heresy
- Re: Heresy
Marcelo -- 1/26/2000, 8:59 am- Re: Heresy
Ian Johnston -- 1/26/2000, 3:45 am- Re: question?
lee -- 1/25/2000, 11:50 pm- Aerospace Composites
Dave Houser -- 1/26/2000, 9:56 am- Re: Aerospace Composites
lee -- 1/26/2000, 11:39 pm- Re: Aerospace Composites
Will Brockman -- 1/26/2000, 11:30 am - Re: Aerospace Composites
- Re: Aerospace Composites
- Re: Heresy
Mike Hanks -- 1/25/2000, 10:36 pm- Re: Heresy
Paul Lund -- 1/25/2000, 7:34 pm - Re: Heresy
- Re: Heresy