> I've seen several references made with using a white elastomeric roofing
> compound for coating the skins of skin on frame kayaks. Where do you get
> this stuff? Since I'm located in Canada it would be nice to get a local
> supply but I have been known to buy American from time to time.
> Thanks in advance...Doug
I used Snow-Roof and Elast-o-Seal on my skin kayak, both are made by Snow Roof Systems. I bought it at Eagle Hardware (similar to Home Depot) It was in the roofing section. I have been very please with the results. You can find them on the Internet at http://www.snowroof.com/
On their web site they say the following stores carry their products: Home Depot, Home Base, Payless Cashways/Lumber Jack, Eagle Hardware, Chase Pitkin's, Melder, Moore's, West Lumber Co., Pergament, National Lumber, & Hardware, Fred Meyer, Sherwin Williams, Ace Hardware, Truserv, HWI/Do-It-Best, LMC, and Orgill Brothers.
The web site also give specs for all their products.
It is similar to the products used on mobile homes. In fact they make a product specifically for mobile homes, it is called Mobile Coat.

Messages In This Thread
- Sources for elastomeric coatings?
Doug Bauer -- 1/27/2000, 9:11 am- Thanks guys...great leads!
Doug Bauer -- 1/28/2000, 4:21 pm- Re: Sources for elastomeric coatings?
Mike Hanks -- 1/27/2000, 11:28 pm- Re: Sources for elastomeric coatings?
Nolan -- 1/27/2000, 6:55 pm- Re: Sources for elastomeric coatings?
Tom -- 1/27/2000, 3:57 pm- Re: Sources for elastomeric coatings?
Jean,Montreal, -- 1/27/2000, 11:14 am- Re: Sources for elastomeric coatings?
Tony Ling -- 1/27/2000, 12:27 pm- Re: Sources for elastomeric coatings?
Lew Crenshaw -- 1/27/2000, 1:52 pm
- Re: Sources for elastomeric coatings?
- Re: Sources for elastomeric coatings?
- Thanks guys...great leads!