Boat Building Forum

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Re: CA glue for strip building
Date: 1/29/2000, 8:46 am
In Response To: CA glue for strip building (Spidey)

I think som of the reason people stay away from CA [crazyglue] is that it dries nearly instantly and bods unforgivebly. As you know as a model builder [and i too] CA glue comes in a number of viscosities to suit your task AND they can be had with varying dry times. You can buy CA glue that wont bond on contact. I was told by one avid aircraft modeler that the slower drying glue was actuallt stronger than the ones that dry on contact. One last thing.. the fumes from Cyanolate glue are something requiring some preperation for ventilation. Itll never stink out the house, or room, but up close where your working, you can get high from it AND if your unfortunate enough to get a straight wiff to the nose as the stuff is bonding [and fuming] it will BURN your mucous membranes.

You'll know it when it happens :)


Messages In This Thread

CA glue for strip building
Spidey -- 1/28/2000, 1:22 pm
Re: CA glue for strip building
PeteWP -- 1/29/2000, 8:46 am
Re: CA glue for strip building
Tony -- 1/31/2000, 9:39 pm
Re: CA glue for strip building
Derek -- 1/28/2000, 2:06 pm
Re: CA glue for strip building
Spidey -- 1/28/2000, 4:05 pm
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mike allen -- 1/28/2000, 4:41 pm
Re: CA glue for Killer Strips
Spidey -- 1/28/2000, 7:21 pm
Re: CA glue for Killer Strips
Jim Richardson -- 1/28/2000, 7:53 pm
Re: CA glue for Killer Strips
Spidey -- 1/29/2000, 1:05 pm
Re: CA glue for Killer Strips
Rehd -- 1/30/2000, 2:56 am
Re: CA glue for Killer Strips
Tony -- 1/31/2000, 9:35 pm
Re: Why not super-fast epoxy?
Don Beale -- 1/28/2000, 6:12 pm
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mike allen -- 1/28/2000, 7:46 pm