Re: Coaming Lip - Help???
In Response To: Coaming Lip - Help??? (Steve in San Diego)
Yes cherry will bend OK and Mahogany is OK also. Redwood is about the worst. You can also try steaming it. You can use a presure cooker for the source or a tea kettle on the stove and shoot it throuch a piece of 1/2 copper pipe with the strips in it. You can solder an elbow on it to place it over the steam source. If its thin enough the cherry will bend dry. Get all the pieces together and epoxy them all at once using spring clamps or you can do them one by one - but use epoxy.
Messages In This Thread
- Coaming Lip - Help???
Steve in San Diego -- 2/2/2000, 3:27 pm- Re: Thanks for the tour
Mike Hanks -- 2/5/2000, 2:33 pm- Glad you enjoyed tour of San Diego
Steve in San Diego -- 2/5/2000, 5:08 pm
- Re: Coaming Lip - Help???
Jay Babina -- 2/2/2000, 4:11 pm - Glad you enjoyed tour of San Diego
- Re: Thanks for the tour