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Re: Chesapeake 16LT aft bulkhead radius?
By:Dave Murphy
Date: 2/4/2000, 12:25 pm

> If one checks the radius of the aft bulkhead, it is actually about a
> 51" radius. Alot flatter then 24". On the plans the aft bulkhead
> full size drawing is also about 51" radius.

I emailed CLC with the same question on my LT17, as I was preparing to plane the shear clamps to the proper angle. John replied that the CLC boats with flatter aft decks (specifically the LT17 and the WR180) are indeed 51 inches radius. I assume that the LT 16 is the same.


Messages In This Thread

Chesapeake 16LT aft bulkhead radius?
JG -- 2/3/2000, 10:33 pm
Re: Chesapeake 16LT aft bulkhead radius?
Dave Murphy -- 2/4/2000, 12:25 pm
Re: Chesapeake 16LT aft bulkhead radius?
Frank -- 2/4/2000, 8:05 am
Re: Chesapeake 16LT aft bulkhead radius?
lee -- 2/4/2000, 12:35 am
Re: Chesapeake 16LT aft bulkhead radius?
JG -- 2/4/2000, 3:53 am
Re: Chesapeake 16LT aft bulkhead radius?
lee -- 2/4/2000, 9:05 am