Date: 2/4/2000, 6:29 pm
> You may remember my 'convince the wife on the finances' issue I was
> concerned about....well, I found out that my wife likes me more than
> money. When I told her I was gonna buy a table saw to avoid paying $500
> for pre-cut strips she pointed out all of the ways that I've hurt myself
> in the last 12 months and told me to 'Go and pay the money, so you dont
> lose and fingers'
I had to laugh at that... my wife's standard resopnse to any project is "what are you going to be doing that can get you hurt?" Gee, you'd think I actually lost those fingers in one of those previous incidents - I didn't, they alway healed up just fine.
In all seriousness, though, cutting strips can be dangerous. If you ever do it, get someone to cath the outfeed and you will be able to keep your hands FAR from the blade. I did it with a helper and a power feeder.
Messages In This Thread
- Buying Strips
Chris Menard -- 2/4/2000, 1:38 pm- Re: Her first boat
Rehd -- 2/5/2000, 12:29 am- Re: Buying Strips
Jim Eisenmenger -- 2/4/2000, 6:29 pm - Re: Buying Strips
- Re: Her first boat