No more cratering with RAKA!
By:George Burns
Date: 2/5/2000, 3:08 am
Date: 2/5/2000, 3:08 am
I have, in the past, bad-mouthed RAKA epoxy for cratering when re-coating sanded epoxy surfaces. Larry Steeves recently sent me a free sample of his epoxy which has, in his words, been reformulated to reduce the cratering problem.
I have run two test samples of this new epoxy; coating, sanding, then re-coating, and can report that it did not crater. It also seemed to blush less than the old formula. The new formula is also just as thin as the original; RAKA's main advantage, in my view.
Messages In This Thread
- No more cratering with RAKA!
George Burns -- 2/5/2000, 3:08 am- Is this the 350 hardener?
Spidey -- 2/5/2000, 9:05 pm- Re: Is this the 350 hardener?
George Burns -- 2/6/2000, 1:22 am- Re: Is this the 350 hardener?
garland resse -- 2/14/2000, 11:21 am
- Re: Is this the 350 hardener?
- Re: Is this the 350 hardener?
- Is this the 350 hardener?