Re: Steel for StrongBack?
By:Bill Boyd
Date: 2/8/2000, 12:35 am
Date: 2/8/2000, 12:35 am
In Response To: Steel for StrongBack? (Travis)
> Has anyone used Steel for a strong Back(for a canoe)? I was thinking of
> using a 2"x4"x1/8" 16 footer with angle iron welded
> perpindicular at station intervals for forms to screw to. I thought Steel
> would be stronger, Cheaper and easier to build than wood. Any Ideas? TB
Hi Travis with the popularity of the mini satelite dishes there are a few television towers kicking around . I welded two sections together to make them good and solid and put a few layers of cheap 1/2" spruce plywood on top to attach my stations to and it kinda worked out super solid and best of!!!
Later Bill
Messages In This Thread
- Steel for StrongBack?
Travis -- 2/7/2000, 11:54 pm- Re: Steel for StrongBack?
Carl -- 2/8/2000, 12:11 pm- Re: Steel for StrongBack?
Bill Boyd -- 2/8/2000, 12:35 am- Re: Steel for StrongBack?
Hank -- 2/8/2000, 12:15 pm
- Re: Steel for StrongBack?
- Re: Steel for StrongBack?