Re: Stapleless.....and winning
By:Don B
Date: 2/16/2000, 12:20 am
Date: 2/16/2000, 12:20 am
In Response To: Stapleless.....and winning (Rick thomas)
You lost me. You saved the trim from the forms, removed 3/8" of it, set those above the forms, and used wedges to hold the strips in place? I'm not sure that'd work on the Spring Run, no place to attach the outer clamp forms to.
I'm having slow going on my deck, trying to use as few staples as possible. There are some spots that just wouldnt cooperate, and I've got some interesting clamp positions. I only can get 3 or maybe 4 strips in an evening but that's not too bad as I'm lucky to get two hours.
Messages In This Thread
- Stapleless.....and winning
Rick thomas -- 2/15/2000, 8:47 pm- Re: Stapleless.....and winning
Don B -- 2/16/2000, 12:20 am
- Re: Stapleless.....and winning