Date: 2/16/2000, 10:38 am
> MESSAGE: (#23532) Re: Stapleless.....and winning
> No thats pretty good time and its gets faster as they get smaller. On my method I cut out the forms that were glued onto 16"x24" plywood .the key is to glue them on so that the center point is layed out 7" from the top and that leaves you 9" from bottom The pecies have to be 16x24 exectly....then anchor them on to a table thats at least 16 feet long. Then feed your 2x4 through the center as you stack on the center form.I then slid a few strips through the bottom to center the inside form . its working great I never anchored the center forms to the 2x4 and cut the 2x4 opening exictley 3 1/2 x 1 1/2 The strips center every thing and the wedges hold every thing in place I realy hardley use the clamps at all just some on the ends ,the wedges hold every thing in place . this way the 2x4 dosent have to be streight it will streighten up as you slide in the strips . The out side forms are anchored to a flat true surface . Its more work setting up but the kayak is streight and true,and the strips just roll easy being held from the out side to the center form .no stapling .as i got closer to the center on the bottom I did drill some holes in the out side form to make it easyes to feed the strips in ....Im building the guillmont expedition and its realy turning out well . keep me posted on your progeress Rick thomas
> <