Date: 2/16/2000, 3:04 pm
> Thanks, David. That clears things up. Have any pictures of your completed
> boat online? Which model did you build?
> - Dave
I built the Snowshoe 14, and made the designer's modification to straighten the keel. I've only used it a few times; my intention was to use it as a solo boat, but whenever I go solo, I want a kayak. We played with it in the pond, (falling out, climbing back in, etc.) and it held up fine, but I havn't used it enough to see how durable it is. It did seem tippy, but I think that may partly be that it has so little rolling inertia. I would like next to do a kayak with the same technology.
One of these days I will build a web page. Right now we are in the middle of a move and I don't even have a scanner to send you a picture. Come to think of it, I don't even have any pictures!
Messages In This Thread
- geodesic aeroolite boats
Ed -- 2/13/2000, 6:46 pm- Re: geodesic aeroolite boats
Bob J. -- 2/13/2000, 7:08 pm- Re: geodesic aeroolite boats
Mark Kaufman -- 2/14/2000, 8:09 am- Re: geodesic airolite boats - tech question
Dave E -- 2/14/2000, 11:02 am- Re: geodesic airolite boats - tech question
David Dick -- 2/14/2000, 5:20 pm- Re: geodesic airolite boats - tech question
Dave E -- 2/16/2000, 1:10 pm- Re: geodesic airolite boats - tech question
David Dick -- 2/16/2000, 3:04 pm- Re: geodesic airolite boats - tech question
Hans Friedel -- 2/16/2000, 3:33 pm
- Re: geodesic airolite boats - tech question
- Re: geodesic airolite boats - tech question
- Re: geodesic airolite boats - tech question
- Re: geodesic airolite boats - tech question
- Re: geodesic airolite boats - tech question
- Re: geodesic aeroolite boats
- Re: geodesic aeroolite boats