Date: 2/26/2000, 12:37 am
Hi All;
What with all these "kayak-insensitive" matters of real life finally getting out of the way, I got to spend some time with "Betsy."
The tools of choice for the stapleless builder while working the keel line should be the steam iron, a wet rag, and a heat gun. I have learned that if I wet a strip and force it into its final position, then steam it, and then dry it with a decent hot air gun, the strip can be removed and glue applied, and it will fit the original contours like a glove. Clamp pressure needs to be next to nil. Between the fitting as described, and the use of duct tape as clamps (together with the all-important plywood clamp assists), this is *almost* a piece of cake!
I have a few new pix up at my web site linked at the bottom of this post. Go to "Hull Construction" to see the new pix.
Good Luck and *Stop making all those darn staple holes in your beautiful kayak!*
Best Regards, Spidey
Messages In This Thread
- Stapleless Update
Spidey -- 2/26/2000, 12:37 am- Re: Stapleless Update
Rich Bechtold -- 2/29/2000, 2:25 pm- Re: Stapleless Update
Spidey -- 2/29/2000, 6:46 pm
- Re: Stapleless Update
Bruce -- 2/26/2000, 9:47 am - Re: Stapleless Update
- Re: Stapleless Update