Date: 3/5/2000, 12:25 pm
> I am building Joe Greenley's Silver design, but will be using my 17'
> strongback, which is 1' longer than Joe suggests. It has 10" risers.
> Can anyone see a problem with this arrangement? When I made a Guillemot on
> a 17' strongback and was stripping the hull, the bow hung down a bit on
> the end, but the pictures of the Silver don't seem to do this. The entire
> boat seems to be above the strongback. Thanks.
> John
Hello John,
I prefer to have the bow overhanging the end of the strongback slightly while building, however it is not at all necessary and you will be able to build on a 17' strongback. This will leave you with at least 1/2" clearance between the tip of the bow and the surface of the strongback. If you haven't already set up your forms and would like to have the bow overhang slightly, you can adjust by moving the layout about 1' towards the bow end of your 17' strongback. You may also use 11" risers and gain another 1" of clearance.

Messages In This Thread
- strongback length
John Waddington -- 3/5/2000, 6:57 am- Re: strongback length
Joe Greenley -- 3/5/2000, 12:25 pm- Re: strongback length
Mike Scarborough -- 3/5/2000, 9:59 am - Re: strongback length
- Re: strongback length