Date: 3/6/2000, 7:56 am
> I'm looking to order some fibre glass cloth for a Guillemot I'm working
> at. Can I get away with ordering 60" and cutting it in half? In that
> case how many yards do I need? Thanks to all.
Not sure you would want to cut it in half. As Nick mentions in his book, the glass should be laid diagonally across the boat, not straight. This was also recommended in the directions from CLC for my boat. It has to do with the bending properties of the cloth, and the smoothness with which it can take corners.
In simple terms, if the cloth is layed on straight front to rear, you will have air bubbles along the keel and sheer. If the cloth is layed over the hull on an angle, it will take the corners much smoother, and it will be much easier to get rid of those air bubbles.
When I glassed inside the hull of my Patuxent, I layed the cloth straight, and I was left with numerous large air bubbles. On the outside of the hull, I laid it diagonally, and was left with just a few very small air bubbles.
It's just not worth the sacrifice in appearance to justify skimping on the cloth. Get the 60", and use it all.
Messages In This Thread
- 'glass
Brett -- 3/5/2000, 11:39 pm- Re: 'glass
Earl Bailey -- 3/6/2000, 5:54 pm- Re: 'glass
Ken Finger -- 3/6/2000, 7:56 am - Re: 'glass
- Re: 'glass