As a general rule, I think we are all served best by keeping discussions centered around kayak building, however I don't mind if the subjects stray a little. A tangent to make fun of Joe Greenley is not out of bounds. A little humor is certainly acceptable. I saw the thread was going a way that didn't interest me and which I couldn't really contribute to, so I didn't read it any further.
The best way to accomplish the goal is to refrain from replying to posts you find to be off-subject or otherwise objectionable. Exchanging of insults doesn't get anyone anywhere and only tends to precipitate a flame war.
It would help people with slower connections if people modify the subject line of the post as they stray from the original topic. I know we all get a little lazy about this at times, but keeping the subject line relavant to the contents of the post is the most effective way of making the contents useful. If the post is talking about varnish and the subject says 'RE: What Epoxy' chances are the people that need to read it won't.
Keep it civil,
Stay on topic,
When you get off-topic, change the subject line accordingly,
and Keep it civil.
Messages In This Thread
- Hey Nick, Don Has Some Issues !!!
Ian Johnston -- 3/5/2000, 9:15 pm- A little tolerance, please
Ken Finger -- 3/6/2000, 8:51 am- First - Keep it Civil
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 3/6/2000, 9:33 am- Re: My Apologies
Tom Kurth -- 3/6/2000, 11:30 pm
- Re: My Apologies
- First - Keep it Civil
- Re: Hey Nick, Don Has Some Issues !!!
Tom Kurth -- 3/5/2000, 11:11 pm- Re: Crappy Systems!!
Ian Johnston -- 3/6/2000, 2:30 am- Re: speaking of issues
lee -- 3/6/2000, 7:46 am- Re: speaking of issues
Paul G. Jacobson -- 3/8/2000, 12:12 am - Re: speaking of issues
Brian Wegener -- 3/7/2000, 10:31 am - Re: speaking of issues
Shawn Baker -- 3/6/2000, 1:02 pm - Febreze
tom Preska -- 3/6/2000, 8:02 am- BE CAREFUL W/ FEBREZE!!!
Brion -- 3/6/2000, 10:08 am- Re: Urban Legend !!!
Ian Johnston -- 3/6/2000, 7:41 pm- Re: Febreese, microwave ,poodle
lee -- 3/6/2000, 8:07 pm
- Re: Febreese, microwave ,poodle
- I did not know that
tom preska -- 3/6/2000, 1:05 pm
- Re: Urban Legend !!!
- Re: speaking of issues
- Re: speaking of issues
- Re: Crappy Systems!!
- A little tolerance, please