Boat Building Forum

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By:mike allen ---}
Date: 3/6/2000, 4:09 pm
In Response To: Measuring Tapers (mike allen ---})

> Hi Spidey,

> The technique I use for long tapers is to use a metal vernier or dial
> caliper. I lay the strip blank beside the long taper in exactly the right
> position, spread the caliper i/s jaws to the opening and move the caliper
> to the blank and just barely mark the wood w/ the same pointy jaws. You
> don't have to measure, just fit and mark, fit and mark, fit and mark - all
> along the taper say every 6 in or so. Only takes a coupla secs. Really
> handy if you have slight variations. Connect the marks w/ a pencil line
> and plane down to the line. Then some fine tuning sanding (or in my case
> filing) and it'll get you a pretty good fit. Go slowly for the first 3 or
> 4 until you get a feel for how much to plane to the line.

> -mick

I also have trouble w/ the little tapers diving down too low and being quite fragile to fit and refit and refit. It's helped me to glue short pcs of scrap across the strips under the end of the taper and sometimes along it. My thoughts are that I will be able to remove it easily on the i/s, and if there is some blemish caused - who's to see it - but I haven't got to the i/s yet.


Messages In This Thread

More pix up + question
Spidey -- 3/5/2000, 12:23 am
Measuring Tapers
mike allen ---} -- 3/6/2000, 3:59 pm
Re: Measuring Tapers
Spidey -- 3/6/2000, 9:20 pm
Measuring Up
mike allen ---} -- 3/7/2000, 9:16 pm
mike allen ---} -- 3/6/2000, 4:09 pm
Re: More pix up + question
Greg -- 3/5/2000, 12:20 pm