Re: Urban Legend !!!
By:Ian Johnston
Date: 3/6/2000, 7:41 pm
Date: 3/6/2000, 7:41 pm
In Response To: BE CAREFUL W/ FEBREZE!!! (Brion)
> Febreze is rumored to kill small animals (birds, cats, gerbils, etc.) who
> have too much exposure to it. I've read this several times from different
> sources, none terribly reliable. But, long and short of it, I won't use it
> because I have 3 dogs and don't think it's worth the risk. If you have no
> pets, I hear that it does indeed work pretty well.
> Brion
Hi Brion,
Don't worry about this. It is an urban legend. The Febreese manufacturer and an independant lab both conducted tests and released a statement stating the allegations were false. There was also no way for anyone, including the media, to trace the source of the rumour.
Messages In This Thread
- Hey Nick, Don Has Some Issues !!!
Ian Johnston -- 3/5/2000, 9:15 pm- A little tolerance, please
Ken Finger -- 3/6/2000, 8:51 am- First - Keep it Civil
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 3/6/2000, 9:33 am- Re: My Apologies
Tom Kurth -- 3/6/2000, 11:30 pm
- Re: My Apologies
- First - Keep it Civil
- Re: Hey Nick, Don Has Some Issues !!!
Tom Kurth -- 3/5/2000, 11:11 pm- Re: Crappy Systems!!
Ian Johnston -- 3/6/2000, 2:30 am- Re: speaking of issues
lee -- 3/6/2000, 7:46 am- Re: speaking of issues
Paul G. Jacobson -- 3/8/2000, 12:12 am - Re: speaking of issues
Brian Wegener -- 3/7/2000, 10:31 am - Re: speaking of issues
Shawn Baker -- 3/6/2000, 1:02 pm - Febreze
tom Preska -- 3/6/2000, 8:02 am- BE CAREFUL W/ FEBREZE!!!
Brion -- 3/6/2000, 10:08 am- Re: Urban Legend !!!
Ian Johnston -- 3/6/2000, 7:41 pm- Re: Febreese, microwave ,poodle
lee -- 3/6/2000, 8:07 pm
- Re: Febreese, microwave ,poodle
- I did not know that
tom preska -- 3/6/2000, 1:05 pm
- Re: Urban Legend !!!
- Re: speaking of issues
- Re: speaking of issues
- Re: Crappy Systems!!
- A little tolerance, please