Re: Mexican and Rendezvous
In Response To: As long as it's not Corona! (Shawn Baker)
> Ack! Can't stand Corona. Dos Equis and Negro Modelo are good stuff,
> though.
> I'm told the only place you can find a good, authentic Austrian lager is
> in Mexico! They don't make it in Austria anymore.
> I think we're going to have a good time in the evenings after the
> Rendezvous!
> Shawn
How about Tacate or Sol? Those are very popular down there. I like the lighter ones when it is hot out, the darker ones when it is cooler.
Last year we went out for mexican food after the Rendezvous, Joe took this picture and posted it a while back. Uh oh, I think I see a Corona, it's okay with enough salt and lime.

Messages In This Thread
Shawn Baker -- 3/7/2000, 11:19 am- Re: Micro or Mexi
Mike Hanks -- 3/7/2000, 12:45 pm- As long as it's not Corona!
Shawn Baker -- 3/7/2000, 12:48 pm- Re: Mexican and Rendezvous
Mike Hanks -- 3/7/2000, 1:08 pm- Re: Fried Pups!
Don B -- 3/8/2000, 12:12 am- Not a good recipe with only salt and lime
Marcelo 9 7/8 -- 3/7/2000, 1:22 pm - Not a good recipe with only salt and lime
- Re: Fried Pups!
- Re: Mexican and Rendezvous
- As long as it's not Corona!
- Re: Micro or Mexi