Boat Building Forum

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Re: New combing pictures - very nice!
Date: 3/10/2000, 11:58 am
In Response To: New combing pictures. (Dale Frolander)

Beautiful job Dale!

I had half decided to go for a simple cockpit combing on my Guillemot but that will never do now.

Thanks for the encouragement - I love the way you matched the deck/combing interface - stripe and all!


Messages In This Thread

New combing pictures.
Dale Frolander -- 3/10/2000, 5:45 am
Computer software and hardware?
Brian Wegener -- 3/11/2000, 10:21 am
Drafix Cad and HP710C inkjet printer
Dale Frolander -- 3/11/2000, 1:25 pm
Re: New combing pictures.
Spidey -- 3/10/2000, 1:45 pm
Thanks all
Dale Frolander -- 3/10/2000, 5:31 pm
Re: New combing pictures.
Mike Hanks -- 3/10/2000, 12:22 pm
Re: New combing pictures - very nice!
Hank -- 3/10/2000, 11:58 am
Re: New combing pictures.
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 3/10/2000, 8:53 am
Re: New combing pictures.
Ross Leidy -- 3/10/2000, 8:48 am
Re: New combing pictures.
mike allen ---} -- 3/10/2000, 8:10 pm