Boat Building Forum

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Unhappy Epoxier
Date: 3/20/2000, 8:10 am

Finished epoxy on out side last night all three coats with MAS. Second coat had runs when tacky, third coat left some rough spots (weave not completely filled). What are my options now and what are some tips for next time. Thanks TB

Messages In This Thread

Unhappy Epoxier
Travis -- 3/20/2000, 8:10 am
Re: Unhappy Epoxier
Kent LeBoutillier -- 3/20/2000, 11:33 am
Re: Unhappy Epoxier
Scotty -- 3/20/2000, 12:01 pm
Re: Unhappy Epoxier
Nolan -- 3/21/2000, 11:03 am
Re: Unhappy Epoxier
Kent LeBoutillier -- 3/21/2000, 11:48 am
Re: Unhappy Epoxier
Nolan -- 3/21/2000, 1:32 pm
Re: Unhappy Epoxier
Travis -- 3/21/2000, 5:18 pm
Re: Scrape It!!!
Mike Hanks -- 3/21/2000, 5:36 pm
I'll second that!!! (NT)
Doug K -- 3/21/2000, 10:50 pm
Re: Unhappy Epoxier
Kent LeBoutillier -- 3/20/2000, 12:22 pm
Re: Unhappy Epoxier
Travis -- 3/20/2000, 4:46 pm
Re: Unhappy Epoxier
Kent LeBoutillier -- 3/21/2000, 6:12 am
Re: Unhappy Epoxier
Bart Castleberry -- 3/20/2000, 6:38 pm
Re: Unhappy Epoxier
Edgar Kleindinst -- 3/20/2000, 8:32 am