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Interthane Paints and Varnishes
Date: 3/20/2000, 12:50 pm

Greetings all -

I have finished out my ches18 with 4 coats of MAS on the hull, and 2 coats of West Systems epoxy on the deck..

All have been sanded, sanded, sanded. I am now ready to prime and paint the hull, and varnish the deck. While at a local boatbuilding store I was looking at Interlux Interthane 2-part polyurethane paints. Also a 2 part primer, and 2 part varnish.

Anyone out there used these? The interlux brightside is a one part paint that was also available. I'm not a professional painter. Could I tell the difference in appearance / durability?

The instructions call for a light solvent wash on the epoxy surface prior to application of either paint or varnish. I'm a little skeptical, as I have been admonished not to put any solvents anywhere on the boat.

All suggestions comments appreciated -


Messages In This Thread

Interthane Paints and Varnishes
Nate -- 3/20/2000, 12:50 pm
Re: Interthane Paints and Varnishes
Bruce -- 3/20/2000, 1:16 pm