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Re: No UV Inhibitors
By:garland reese
Date: 3/20/2000, 11:08 pm
In Response To: Re: No UV Inhibitors (John B.)

> Hi,

I've corresponded with a few builders of other types of boats that have used acetone thinned epoxy as a first encapsulation coat over plywood, theoretically to get better/deeper penetration of the epoxy into the wood surface.....the 5% rule is about what they used I think. CPES is some type of solvent/epoxy mixture, but I don't think it is recommended for ''s expensive too. Might be worth a test panel....with scientific data posted here, of course! garland

> Ray - the only thing I've ever read was that you might be able to add up
> to 5% acetone to thin the epoxy, but that comment applied to an epoxy used
> to apply fishing rod guides to rod blanks ...I'm hesitant to do this to a
> kayak, although I think I will use the 3M to glass the interior of my
> stich and glue kayak when I get to that stage.

> Spidey - It sounds like you got an outstanding deal- I paid $77 for 1&1/2
> gallons! Never heard of "Ding-All", but if it's good enough (and
> tough enough) for surfboards, it must be great stuff. It's funny - we can
> dicuss soft woods, hard wood, and plywoods and make our own decisions, yet
> the epoxy area is a mystery. I know that the distributors "cut"
> their resins with some non-volatile thinners to make a less viscous
> product for wetting fiberglass, but I always wondered if it makes a
> difference in durability, flexibility, etc. Hey, I'm just doing a stich
> and glue, but if I invested the time to make one of those outstanding
> strippers with all that detail, I would probably be going ape-shit,
> worrying about the epoxy qualities. In reality, probably nothing to be
> concerned about, and my "stripper" endeavors won't begin until
> next winter. And about 3M, I expected their technical pages on their
> homesite to go into detail, but there is nothing there, expect strength at
> various temperatures and vicosity. ( didn't get a chance to view their
> technical specs on those crummy straps they sold you).

> Thanks for replying.

> PS - Don't throw out epoxy resin that has been frozen or outdated ... some
> manufacturers claim only a one year shelf life, but that is a lot of crap
> ... I've used epoxy that was 12 years old, and the wood to wood bonds
> still wouldn't break at the joint - the stuff just cures slowly - like 5
> days instead of 2-3. And if the resin has been frozen (UPS guy left it on
> your doorstep during the winter), just place it in a 100 degree F water
> bath or some other heat source for a few hours and the
> "crystals" will go back into solution. (let it cool back down to
> room temperature before you use it).

Messages In This Thread

How does 3M do it?
Spidey -- 3/20/2000, 6:45 pm
Re: How does 3M do it?
Ian Johnston -- 3/22/2000, 3:08 am
Re: How does 3M do it?
Spidey -- 3/22/2000, 11:28 am
Re: Dust mask elastic prestretching
lucy -- 3/21/2000, 8:19 pm
Re: Dust mask elastic prestretching
Spidey -- 3/21/2000, 10:09 pm
Re: How does 3M do it?
Chris in Cajun Country -- 3/20/2000, 8:23 pm
Re: Respirator
Spidey -- 3/20/2000, 9:03 pm
Re: Respirator
Chris in Cajun Country -- 3/21/2000, 12:49 pm
Re: Respirator
Kent LeBoutillier -- 3/21/2000, 6:22 am
Re: Respirator
Kent LeBoutillier -- 3/21/2000, 6:52 am
Re: Respirator
Spidey -- 3/21/2000, 12:25 pm
Re: Respirator
Kent LeBoutillier -- 3/21/2000, 12:36 pm
Everything fits with duct tape :-)))) (no text)
Greg -- 3/21/2000, 12:26 am
Re: I even eat the stuff now! 8-) (no text)
Spidey -- 3/21/2000, 1:47 am
Re: How does 3M do it?
John B. -- 3/20/2000, 7:23 pm
Re: No UV Inhibitors
Spidey -- 3/20/2000, 8:06 pm
Re: No UV Inhibitors
John B. -- 3/20/2000, 8:51 pm
freezing epoxy
Jason -- 3/21/2000, 11:08 am
Re: freezing epoxy
Dave Colant -- 3/21/2000, 12:42 pm
Re: freezing epoxy
Jason -- 3/21/2000, 2:02 pm
Re: No UV Inhibitors
garland reese -- 3/20/2000, 11:08 pm
Re: How does 3M do it?
Ray -- 3/20/2000, 7:45 pm
Re: How does 3M do it?
Spidey -- 3/20/2000, 8:13 pm