> Well after thoughts of jumping off of a bridge I went back and put one
> more coat on with a brush and it filled in the rest of the weave nicely.
> Still a little lumpy but hoping it will sand out smooth. I used squeegees
> for first and second coats, first went well but next time I think I'll try
> the roller for the second coat. Thanks To everyone TB
I can't believe nobody has suggested this yet. Go spend a few dollars on a cabnet scraper. Scrape the runs off instead of sanding them. It will go much faster and you won't have to wory about sanding into the glass. You also wont have to breath all of that toxic epoxy dust. If you look in the archives, you will find a lot of useful information on scrapers. I highly recommend that you look into them before sanding. After buying mine for my third kayak, I wondered how I built my first two without one.
Messages In This Thread
- Unhappy Epoxier
Travis -- 3/20/2000, 8:10 am- Re: Unhappy Epoxier
Kent LeBoutillier -- 3/20/2000, 11:33 am- Re: Unhappy Epoxier
Scotty -- 3/20/2000, 12:01 pm- Re: Unhappy Epoxier
Nolan -- 3/21/2000, 11:03 am- Re: Unhappy Epoxier
Kent LeBoutillier -- 3/21/2000, 11:48 am- Re: Unhappy Epoxier
Nolan -- 3/21/2000, 1:32 pm- Re: Unhappy Epoxier
Travis -- 3/21/2000, 5:18 pm- Re: Scrape It!!!
Mike Hanks -- 3/21/2000, 5:36 pm- I'll second that!!! (NT)
Doug K -- 3/21/2000, 10:50 pm
- I'll second that!!! (NT)
- Re: Scrape It!!!
- Re: Unhappy Epoxier
- Re: Unhappy Epoxier
- Re: Unhappy Epoxier
Kent LeBoutillier -- 3/20/2000, 12:22 pm- Re: Unhappy Epoxier
Travis -- 3/20/2000, 4:46 pm- Re: Unhappy Epoxier
Kent LeBoutillier -- 3/21/2000, 6:12 am- Re: Unhappy Epoxier
Bart Castleberry -- 3/20/2000, 6:38 pm - Re: Unhappy Epoxier
- Re: Unhappy Epoxier
- Re: Unhappy Epoxier
- Re: Unhappy Epoxier
- Re: Unhappy Epoxier
Edgar Kleindinst -- 3/20/2000, 8:32 am - Re: Unhappy Epoxier
- Re: Unhappy Epoxier