Go for the real thing!!
By:Marcelo 9 7/8
Date: 3/22/2000, 6:44 am
Date: 3/22/2000, 6:44 am
In Response To: Building a Fibreglass Canoe/Kayak (Caesar Bruno)
Why not building a wooden stripper?
It's not THAT hard to build and looks really cute!
Take a look at Nick's book.
Hope this helps
Messages In This Thread
- Building a Fibreglass Canoe/Kayak
Caesar Bruno -- 3/21/2000, 6:40 pm- Re: Building a Fibreglass Canoe/Kayak
Brian Conklin -- 3/24/2000, 5:57 pm- Re: Building a Fibreglass Canoe/Kayak
Paul G. Jacobson -- 3/23/2000, 10:29 pm- Re: Building a Fibreglass Canoe/Kayak
Eric Schade (shearwater Boats) -- 3/22/2000, 8:02 pm- Go for the real thing!!
Marcelo 9 7/8 -- 3/22/2000, 6:44 am- Re: Building a Fibreglass Canoe/Kayak
Jon -- 3/22/2000, 12:42 am - Re: Building a Fibreglass Canoe/Kayak
- Re: Building a Fibreglass Canoe/Kayak