Paddle blade edging
In Response To: Paddle blades (Ron Stolp)
I made paddles the same way. One thing I'll pass along to you is edging. I soak some soft 5/16 white polyster rope in epoxy and wrap it around the blade. I stretch it around and hold it on the bottom with some duck tape. I later sand and fill in the weave etc. I makes a really nice abrasion edge. I made quite a few of them and I used to go around the blade with a rat tail file and carve a tiny grove so the rope wouldn't slide out while I was stretching it around the blade. It also makes a nice looking finished paddle. My blades were a litle thicker than an 1/8 but you could do it with anything with a bit of thickness.
Messages In This Thread
- Paddle blades
Ron Stolp -- 3/20/2000, 2:39 pm- Paddle blade edging
Jay Babina -- 3/22/2000, 1:24 pm- Re: Paddle blade edging
Eric Schade (shearwater Boats) -- 3/22/2000, 8:46 pm
- Re: Paddle blade edging
- Paddle blade edging