Date: 3/22/2000, 3:25 pm
> Now that I'm stitching the hull of the Coho for my stepfather's daughter
> (for those of you who remember the discussion from last month-- the
> acetone wash & scraping did remove the epoxy resin he'd put on the
> panels, and the butt joints came out fine)..... my thoughts are turning to
> my 'next project' -- a woodstrip canoe. I'm well supplied with books --
> I've got Nick's book on kayak construction, plus both Canoecraft and
> Kayakcraft by Ted Moores, and Building a Strip Canoe by Gil Gilpatrick.
> I'm wondering about the merits of strongback designs: Gilpatrick shows a
> strongback that is shaped like a ladder (built of 2x6 lumber sides with
> 2x4 "rungs") laid across sawhorses. The other books describe a
> box beam construction from plywood, and you build legs to support it.
> Your thoughts/experiences about which is better? Other designs? Drawbacks?
> Things to look out for? I'm not looking to build the "ultimate
> strongback" (i.e. I'm not looking for one that will become living
> room furniture or convert into a dining table!)-- ease of construction (I
> did NOT take shop in high school), versatility (if I build more boats, I
> only want to build one stongback), and functionality are the key.
> Thanks --
> Julie
Julie, are you building from a table or the floor? If a table, how long and how long is the craft you wish to build? I don't see any problem using just the 2 x 4 that a lot of folks talk about. If you are using a good, straight peice of lumber then you only need be concerned about the amount of support you have under it. I've heard about folks having problems with it sagging, and I would have to say that they could have put another support under it. 2 x 4's will span quite a few feet without sagging, so, if you put supports under it about every 4' it should not sag. Same if you build a box beam. You can build it out of about anything, it will be strong and if supported properly, will not sag. If you wish to reuse it, the box beam may be best, or even an I beam. Built just like it looks. " I " That would be the easiest to build, the lightest to use and store. It could be made up of 1 x 3's made of pine or fir. It could be screwed together and then taken apart when done. Remember, the support is the key. You can build it with bigger or thicker materials, but, all will sag if not supported for the proper span. So, go light, and use that extra support, it's easier and cheaper. I am a non-builder, so, my experience is from cabinet and carpentry work. If you are using a table, then you can use several little plywood risers to cradle the beam, screw or nail them to the table and then screw them to your beam once you have gotten the forms on and in place. I have seen a couple of folks here who have used this idea and it is clean and I'm sure strong. And you have the table to work from underneath.
If you are using the floor, or rather saw-horses on the floor, then you will have to have three or four to support the beam in at least as many places. Or, you could build posts with " T " bases to keep them up and steady and put a plywood cradle at the top. I can't post pictures or sketches as I don't have the capability, but, maybe others can help you with a picture or sketch.
Just some ideas off the top of my head. No hair, so they just come right off.
Messages In This Thread
- strongback design?
Julie Kanarr -- 3/22/2000, 1:39 pm- Re: strongback design?
Don Beale -- 3/23/2000, 12:12 pm- Re: strongback design?
Chris Menard -- 3/23/2000, 8:21 am- Go with the plans
Paul G. Jacobson -- 3/22/2000, 10:09 pm- I agree with Paul
Spidey -- 3/23/2000, 12:29 am
- The Tyranny of the Strongback
mike allen ---} -- 3/22/2000, 10:00 pm- Re: Strings Rule?
Spidey -- 3/23/2000, 12:39 am- big tease, when you gona show it all !!
Greg -- 3/22/2000, 11:07 pm- Update - no pic
mike allen ---} -- 3/23/2000, 8:47 pm- Re: Update - no pic
Greg -- 3/23/2000, 11:00 pm- Re: Update - no pic
mike allen ---} -- 3/27/2000, 11:53 pm- Re: Update - no pic
Greg -- 3/29/2000, 12:12 am- Re: Update - no pic
Greg -- 3/29/2000, 12:07 am- Re: Hole Riding?
Spidey -- 3/29/2000, 2:01 am- Re: Off-topic-E-Mail address
Scotty -- 3/30/2000, 3:51 am- Re: look again-E-Mail address
Mike Hanks -- 3/30/2000, 10:05 am
- Re: look again-E-Mail address
- Re: Off-topic-E-Mail address
- Re: Update - no pic
- Re: Update - no pic
Spidey -- 3/24/2000, 12:27 am- oh God, it could be years (no text & off topic)
Greg -- 3/24/2000, 11:51 pm
- Re: Update - no pic
- Re: Update - no pic
- Re: Update - no pic
- big tease, when you gona show it all !!
- Re: strongback design?
Al Bratton -- 3/22/2000, 8:49 pm- Re: strongback design?
Eric Schade (shearwater Boats) -- 3/22/2000, 7:16 pm- Re: strongback design?
Jean, (gui) montreal -- 3/22/2000, 4:41 pm- Re: strongback design?
john -- 3/22/2000, 3:59 pm- Re: strongback design?
Rehd -- 3/22/2000, 3:32 pm- Re: strongback design?
Julie Kanarr -- 3/22/2000, 3:48 pm- Re: strongback design?
Rehd -- 3/22/2000, 4:05 pm
- Re: strongback design?
- Re: strongback design?
Rehd -- 3/22/2000, 3:25 pm- Re: strongback design?
Travis -- 3/22/2000, 2:40 pm- Re: strongback design?
Julie Kanarr -- 3/22/2000, 3:15 pm
- Re: strongback design?
- Re: strongback design?