I put a design on my Fast Double that involved strips bending from one sheer to the other. It was a pain. I busted strips, I got funny dips in the finished deck.
Plywood may be a hassle also, it depends on the deck shape. If I were to redo the Fast Double pattern I would put in a few stringers, use more forms and use narrower strips.
> I have a rather complicated deck design in mind--some strips running from
> gunwale to gunwale, lots of short strips in between. Sounds like a
> nightmare using conventional stripping methods so I've come up with an
> idea to hybridize by starting with a 1/8" plywood deck and cover it
> with veneers. Anybody tried this or have any objections or suggestions?
> One immediate question--when using plywood is it possible to install it
> with a convex bend from sheer to sheer and a concave bend from stem to
> cockpit? I assume you would cut out a sliver from the middle? Any ideas,
> suggestions, pointed criticisms and other witty remarks greatly
> appreciated. Thanks, Tom
Messages In This Thread
- deck design
Tom Kurth -- 3/21/2000, 11:15 pm- Re: deck design
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 3/23/2000, 10:09 am- Re: Day late, dollar short!
Don Beale -- 3/23/2000, 12:24 pm
- Re: deck design
Shawn Baker -- 3/22/2000, 9:40 am- Re: deck design With PICTURE
Eric Schade (shearwater Boats) -- 3/22/2000, 7:50 pm- Re: deck design
Eric Schade (shearwater Boats) -- 3/22/2000, 7:46 pm - Re: deck design
- Re: Concave/Convex Deck
Jim Eisenmenger -- 3/22/2000, 7:11 am- First stripping, then veneering
Marcelo 9 7/8 -- 3/22/2000, 6:53 am - Re: Day late, dollar short!
- Re: deck design