Date: 3/25/2000, 5:34 pm
> anyone know where i can find one of those "do it yourself" car
> top racks?
> I've asked a few of local JUNK YARDS if they had any racks, parts & pieces. One of the Yards said that they sold them to someone/business when they received a vehicle with the racks (I'm trying to find out who gets these racks). Maybe someone can get lucky at their local Yards, at least some pieces can be acquired even if you have to buy some of the missin' system. I bought most of my system when it was on sale.I went with YAKIMA and I have transported my kayak from WI to ME and back (and sometimes visa versa)and I have only added an extra tie-down (front only) once , the system performs great with only the ANCRA tie-downs which comes with the system.Question: Does any one know if Yakima is going to retire their TLC saddles? But if you can afford a package, its worth it 'cause all the engineering is done. The second set ofYAKIMA racks , I bought at LL Bean, YES they must have tried it out since they are exclusively a THULE dealer, it was about half price and I used it on my ole Honda Civic Wagon ( I made some "rain gutters", drilled holes thru the body, ran the bolts to the inside (See I'm not shy) used some large area washers on the inside and tightened down(I had to find some shorter carriage bolts - It could have been ouch to the noggin) I sold the car a year and a half ago (200K miles) now I need the ole attachment for my "new" goin' to work/every where car --88 CELIBRITY WAGON> WAYNE g.
Messages In This Thread
- car top carrier
Jay Roberts -- 3/23/2000, 6:22 pm- Used rack systems from JUNK YARDS
Wayne g. -- 3/25/2000, 5:34 pm - Re: car top carrier
Paul G. Jacobson -- 3/25/2000, 6:34 am - Re: electrician's U-channel
Tom Kurth -- 3/25/2000, 12:15 am - Re: Ugly Rides!
Ian Johnston -- 3/24/2000, 4:26 am- Re: Ugly Rides!
markB -- 3/27/2000, 2:36 am - Re: Ugly Rides!
Jay Roberts -- 3/24/2000, 8:39 pm - Would a white water helmet do?
Brian T. Cunningham -- 3/24/2000, 3:55 pm- Re: Would a white water helmet do?
Ian Johnston -- 3/24/2000, 7:23 pm
- Re: Would a white water helmet do?
- Re: Ugly Rides!
John B. -- 3/24/2000, 9:39 am
- Re: Ugly Rides!
- Re: car top carrier
Larry C. -- 3/23/2000, 8:01 pm- Re: car top carrier
Jay Roberts -- 3/23/2000, 8:09 pm
- Re: car top carrier
- Also: What about carriers for Pickups?
Spidey -- 3/23/2000, 7:45 pm- Re: Also: What about carriers for Pickups?
Julie Kanarr -- 3/24/2000, 12:39 pm- Re: Also: What about carriers for Pickups?
Spidey -- 3/24/2000, 6:58 pm
- Re: Also: What about carriers for Pickups?
- Re: Also: What about carriers for Pickups?
Kent LeBoutillier -- 3/24/2000, 9:01 am - Carriers for Pickups? (photo)
Shawn Baker -- 3/23/2000, 10:58 pm- Re: Carriers for Pickups? (photo)
Ross Leidy -- 3/24/2000, 2:40 pm- Re: Carriers for Pickups? (photo)
Shawn Baker -- 3/24/2000, 2:57 pm
- Re: Carriers for Pickups? (photo)
- Re: Carriers for Pickups? (photo)
Mark B -- 3/24/2000, 2:29 pm - Re: A picture's worth 1000 words
Spidey -- 3/24/2000, 12:22 am
- Re: Carriers for Pickups? (photo)
- Re: Also: What about carriers for Pickups?
Larry C. -- 3/23/2000, 8:11 pm- Re: Also: What about carriers for Pickups?
Spidey -- 3/23/2000, 9:35 pm
- Re: Also: What about carriers for Pickups?
- Re: Also: What about carriers for Pickups?
- Re: car top carrier
Eric Schade (shearwater Boats) -- 3/23/2000, 6:42 pm- Re: car top carrier
Jay Roberts -- 3/23/2000, 8:07 pm
- Re: car top carrier
- Used rack systems from JUNK YARDS