Drilling holes in the boat
By:Tom Davies
Date: 3/25/2000, 9:45 pm
Date: 3/25/2000, 9:45 pm
I took the advice of filling in the misplaced hole and redrilling, seems to have worked just fine.
Another question-When I am drilling holes in the boat for deck fittings, etc. sometimes the fiberglass right at the edge of the hole looks like it gets "starred" or lifted a bit. Does this happen to anyone else? Should I fix this somehow? Does this mean that the fiberglass on the entire boat is not really adhering too well?
Thanks a million for all the help.
Tom Davies
Messages In This Thread
- Drilling holes in the boat
Tom Davies -- 3/25/2000, 9:45 pm- Re: Drilling holes in the boat
Dale Frolander -- 3/26/2000, 2:24 am- Re:its ok
lee -- 3/25/2000, 10:21 pm - Re:its ok
- Re: Drilling holes in the boat