> I am trying unsucessfully for the second time to make a hatch lip out of
> fiberglass for my exped. I am using pva but i can only get one quarter or
> so of the lip to release the other half has to be forced and ends up
> deforming. Should I wait until the epoxy is harder? It has been 7 hours
> since I applyed it east system slow hardner. The epoxy got into the space
> between the hatch and the deck. and I thought if i waited any longer i
> would have a solid deck again? Any suggestions? Any thing better than PVA?
> I used two coats. HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!
I made my lip form out of plain old high density 1' construction foam board. Cut, filed and sanded it to shape, wrapped it in Saranwrap, glassed over it, then just pulled the foam out. The foam breaks up as you pull it out, Saranwrap comes with it. I put one more layer of glass cloth on the under side of the lip then to have a smooth curve on the down side too.
Messages In This Thread
- hatch lip help
tom Preska -- 3/26/2000, 11:01 pm- flush hatches with composite gasket lip
Vaclav Stejskal -- 3/29/2000, 5:29 pm- One step?
mike allen ---} -- 3/30/2000, 1:02 am- One step hatch seal layup
Vaclav Stejskal -- 3/30/2000, 4:10 pm- Ideas plus Orientation Change
mike allen ---} -- 3/31/2000, 3:11 pm- flush hatches
Vaclav Stejskal -- 4/1/2000, 1:02 am- Re: flush hatches
mike allen ---} -- 4/3/2000, 11:48 am- Re: flush hatches and philosophy
Scotty -- 4/1/2000, 2:14 am- Re: flush hatches and philosophy
Vaclav -- 4/1/2000, 3:09 am
- Re: flush hatches and philosophy
- Re: flush hatches
- flush hatches
- Ideas plus Orientation Change
- One step hatch seal layup
- Spacer Req'd!
mike allen ---} -- 3/27/2000, 10:57 pm- Re: Spacer Req'd!
tom Preska -- 3/27/2000, 11:55 pm- Re: Spacer Req'd!
mike allen ---} -- 3/29/2000, 12:07 am
- Re: Spacer Req'd!
- Re: hatch lip help
Warren Ross -- 3/27/2000, 3:21 pm- Thanks to all
tom Preska -- 3/27/2000, 9:10 pm
- Re: hatch lip help
Kent LeBoutillier -- 3/27/2000, 6:15 am- Re: hatch lip help
Steve McDonald -- 3/27/2000, 3:00 am- Re: hatch lip help
Randy Knauff -- 3/27/2000, 2:40 am - One step?
- flush hatches with composite gasket lip